About us

MarkMyProfessor.com was launched in 2009 with the goal of providing assistance to students and faculty in higher education. Teachers can receive feedback and an interface where they can upload materials they want to share with their students. In addition to downloading and uploading sharable lesson materials, notes, and items, the students also gain experiences that until now could only be obtained at the cost of a lot of time and acquaintances. With a few clicks of a button, you can find out which teacher it is worth taking the subject with, which teacher received what evaluation from his previous students. Hungarian higher education institutions are currently present on the site, users can upload teachers.

From 2012, the site's services included a job placement function focusing specifically on internship and entry-level positions.

Happy browsing from the MarkMyProfessor.com team. If you would like to advertise on the site, contact us at markmyprofessor@weborigo.eu.